Just looking back I’ve realized that I miss my home church. You see, somehow my eyes have been opened to how things really do work. Unfortunately I’ve seen the nasty side of things, which I don’t want to revisit. I wish I could go back to a simplier time. The only thing that should matter is one’s personal relationship with the Almighty.
So I miss how things were. I miss the innocence of it all. I miss being able to trust people. I know that I’m a stronger man for having gone through certain negative situations. I’ve grown because of it. Yet this growth was unexpected, but terribly needed. Growth is never expected. Sometimes it comes as a slap in the face.
Churches, like all earthly institutions, will have its faults. I don’t know of a perfect church out there. Churches are made up of imperfect people who are made perfect through divine intervention.
Maybe its not my home church that has changed. Maybe its me that changed.
And maybe I need to realize that it’s not *my* church, but the bride of Jesus.