Look Forward to the Future

So they picked Andrew Phillips as our new education/involvement minister, beginning in May. That’s cool. Andrew’s a nice guy and should do well. I know a few men inside of the congregation tried out. The only awkward position you put yourself in when choosing a new staff member….trying not to hurt others’ feelings when choosing. Andrew has been trained properly. Using that knowledge will make him a good minister. Even though technically he’s outside of the congregation, he is known by many inside of the congregation since he was youth intern in 2000. This should put him at an advantage over someone brand new to the congregation…..(i.e. how can one get someone involved in church activities if they do not know the congregation).
I don’t know Andrew well. My fault. I was busy with China and other things during the Summer of 2000.
So anyways I’ve setup a referral thingy to try to show me where vistors are coming from. Specifically it shows me what URL (web address) is linking to me. I know of a few friends who are linking to me. And I don’t mind that. What is troubling to me is people who are mere aquaintances or just plain strangers who are reading this. Why are they here? They are probably getting the wrong impression of me simply by looking at my online self. That’s the same reason why I was forced to take down my archives. Some people take this journal way too seriously. I wouldn’t want whatever I wrote in 2001 to influence someone in how I feel today. What’s past is past. I look forward to the future. This journal thingy revolves each day I write in it. You’ll get something new everyday. If you dwell on the past you are doomed to repeat your past mistakes.
So anyways my referral thingy holds 50 URLs. And I don’t know 50 people who link to me. I don’t even know 50 people online with webpages. Sure, my AOL buddy list is full with 200 friends. But none of them bother (or even need) webpages.
So these anti-smoking ads from TheTruth.com are getting on my nerves. Yeah, we know that smoking is bad….even worse than that, it’s politically incorrect. This is what they use the tobacco settlement money for. Stupid slickly produced MTV-esque commericals. How about some ads fighting underaged drinking (which is more of a problem than smoking)? How about some anti-marijuana ads? Whoops! I forgot….MTV thinks smoking marijuana is a personal decision and shouldn’t be bothered with. MTV gleefully plays pro-drug bands and rappers…but at the same time plays anti-smoking ads. What’s the deal with this hypocracy? Which is the biggest evil? Smoking or illegal drugs? Somehow I wish that marijuana would become politically incorrect.
I’ve been made a part of Josh’s movie review page. Dr. Whittle’s Can-tankerous Movye Rating Systeme. I feel so honored. Came up with the idea of the rating system. How quaint. Maybe the world likes me after all.
It snowed last night and I didn’t even realize it. Watching cable TV keeps you out of the loop sometimes. It’s all gone now. Kids will go to school tomorrow. At least around here.

One thought on “Look Forward to the Future

  1. “Which is the biggest evil? Smoking or illegal drugs? ”
    Actually, tobacco is an illegal drug for people under 18.

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