No Arrogance

There remains no excuse for arrogance within Christianity. Paul preached about it in 1 Corinthians. In 2 Timothy 3:4 he puts arrogance within the same scale as traitors.
And yet, time and time again I see arrogance creep into church circles. It makes me furious and sad at the same time. In the quest to be holy, just as Jesus was holy, they have become holier than thou, always trying to make themselves look good. “Look, see how much time I devote to God?” “Let me tell you what I did in Jesus’ name today.”
Instead of praying to a large crowd of people with the mindset of making one look good, we should be willing to pray in our closets. When we fast, we are to tell no one; not disfiguring our faces to look gaunt.
What causes arrogance? I did a web search and found that some people act arrogant in a way to hide feelings of inferiority. Building up oneself. There remains a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance. We are told that Christians should be humble, the exact opposite of arrogance.
I have found that since the church is made up of sinners, we will always have arrogant people within the church. In a Biblical way of gentleness we need to guide them to a sense of humbleness and humility, where talking about how good you are and what good you have done is not part of their vocabulary.