No Operating System

I went over to a friend of a friend’s house to try to fix her computer. No OS. Bought directly from the state of Tennessee. Obviously something was wrong with the intergrity of the hard disk because I wasn’t able to format it. Solution: Return it to the place of purchase and exchange it for a replacement.
Spent the greater part of the day calling churches to tell them about this anti-lottery movement. Mostly I got answering machines at the smaller churches. No full time staff. I wonder if they listen to their answering machines. The rest were pretty well receptive toward me.
I was told that some kid threw up in church Sunday night during the sermon. The kid happened to be sitting up front on the 2nd row. Our minister didn’t miss a beat. Kept right on preaching.
I wish I could write something profound. But I got nothing new today. Just the same ole same ole that’s been happening for forever.