On any given Sunday hundreds of thousands of Americans attend the church of their choosing to worship their God. Rarely do these churches become targets of terrorists or thieves. Yet theft of church property does happen, more often then outright terrorism. Most of the time church property theft is an inside job. And then there were the recent church burnings during the 90s. I believe these church burnings were more targeting rural black churches….probably a hate crime (race related). But who am I to say? Recently there was a suspicious occurrence at a church in my area. Does this mean we all should panic? Nope. Does this mean we might need to make sure we have all of our ducks in order? Probably. However let me go on record as saying I doubt if anything will happen to churches, regardless of increased security. The problem is that some people get all worked up over security and end up spending time and money excessively on a very minute or nonexistent threat.
Ok so my visit to Newschannel5 last night was good. I took a jacket and tie so that I could make some fake photos of my so-called moonlighting job. The Snow Watch map is very intriguing. Some people are pretty gullible. For example, last time I was at Channel 5, I had my digital camera and made some pictures of me at the news desk. I only had on a t-shirt and jeans. I told people that I showed up and they needed someone to do the news, so I did it on my own. And they believed me!
I’m currently watching the sequel to Where the Red Fern Grows. I remember watching the original movie in the gym of my elementary school. Every six weeks we’d have a movie showing. Everyone would pay a dollar to get into the movie, which usually covered the rental fees of showing the movie. Usually it was some Disney Movie like “Freaky Friday” or “Herbie the Love Bug.” Remember this was the days before the VCR, so getting to watch a movie at school is a big deal. It was one of those reel to reel filmstrips which our librarian would change out at regular intervals. Now with the advent of VCRs, movie showings happens so often, kids are often bored of movies.
Anyways, back to “Where the Red Fern Grows.” I was watching that movie again the other day and found out that a kid dies in the movie due to an acciendal shooting. It was the inbred villian in the movie who tries to kill one of the dogs. For some reason I never picked up on this death sequence when I was growing up. It’s amazing they would show this scene in schools today. I figured they would have censored this movie.