Found these extensions very useful for Mozilla Firefox.
IE View – Creates an extension in Firefox where you can view the page in IE.
Firefox View – Creates an extension in IE where you can view the page in Firefox.
TinyURL Creator – creates a TinyURL for the current page. Useful when sending links in an email. Long links tend to get broken up.
When Your Coworker is Away
I’m becoming a fan of Seinfeld again. Seemingly every weeknight I’ll try and catch some of it. When it was on primetime I hated it. When something is popular I usually tend to stay away from it. Yet, in reruns, years after its prime, I tend to grow to like it.
It’s kinda like that US Magazine’s “What’s Hot” page….Or TV Guide’s “Cheers and Jeers” page. Why do I need society or the news media to tell me what’s hot right now? Comedies like Seinfeld take time to mature to become funnier in the eyes of this beholder.
TV Guide and US Magazine are fickle publications anyways. Their main source of news comes from what’s playing on Thursday nights and whatever fashion mogul designed…respectively.
I borrowed the movie Poltergeist from a friend. Some thoughts on it.
These people were bad to begin with. The Coach and his wife were pot smokers. Yeah. They never show that on TBS. I had forgotten about it too, until I saw it on DVD.
They should have known something was wrong with the house. Your canary dies and pretty soon a bulldozer is digging it up (foreshadowing the grave popping at the end).
If your daughter had somehow got caught up in the netherworld and you were able to somehow get her back (plus a soothing red jello bath), would you spend another night in the house? I mean Tangina DID say that the house was clean, but would you really believe her? Let your guard down and pretty soon your kids’ closet has some type of growth on it and you’re swimming with the skeletons in your pool. Bad move, Coach.
“You moved the headstones but not the bodies! You moved the headstones, but not the bodies.” Thanks, Coach. Can you say that once more so that we get what is causing your house to fold up origami style?
It was a good movie. Good enough not to be classified as one of those lame slasher flicks. A good triller movie.
Election Maps Part 2
More Election Maps.
In 2000 we didn’t see these election maps posted all over the web. I guess its a Democrat’s response to the Republican perception that the country went overwhelmingly for Bush. Population means votes, not land masses.
But there are a few things that Democrat’s can’t argue with. Bush won the popular vote this time. Hence there are plenty of Liberals contemplating moving abroad.
10×10…100 words and pictures that define the time.
Mozilla Firefox 1.0
Mozilla Firefox 1.0 is out. Apparently it’s become the new flagship of the Mozilla browser family. I just downloaded it, along with the Luna skin. Both work really well….even though I’m still using IE to post this. As a web developer I have to have multiple browsers on my machine. Firefox is my browser of choice, while I’m forced to use IE with sites which require it.
World Traveler
States I’ve Visited:
I’m not counting stopovers in airports. I’ve been to New Orleans, O’Hare and Detroit. But only to their airports. Thanks for asking.
Also I drove through Illinois very briefly. Like one mile or 2 on my way to Missouri. But I’m not counting that. I think you can only count a visit when you stay over 3 hours outside of their airport.
Countries I’ve visited:
1% of the world. That’s ok, isn’t it?
Maybe I’ll create a travelogue about it sometime later.
I have this dream of going cross country to California and blogging about it along the way.
What the Democrats are Doing Wrong
The past news coverage has focused not on what George W. Bush is going to do in his next term, but why did Kerry loose? Kerry himself said in a Newsweek interview “I can’t believe I’m loosing to this idiot.”
Are we as a society moving closer to the right? The Republicans have won 6 of the past 9 presidential elections. The last 2 Democrat presidents were Southerners. Running a Southern Democrat presidental candidate is vital to breakup the stranglehold that most Republican candidates will always have on the South. Even then it usually doesn’t make much difference. Case in point: Al Gore (a so-called Southerner) lost his “home” state of Tennessee during the 2000 election. VP candidate John Edwards couldn’t carry his home state of North Carolina this year.
Democrats are becoming known for those far from mainstream issues like gay marriage. Middle America doesn’t care for that. They want lower taxes. They want the government out of their business. The Democrats are going to have to appeal to a larger fan base or just wait for the Republicans to screw up royally (i.e. Watergate). They still salivate when someone mentions Kennedy…the last “good” Democratic president. Even then JFK had his Bay or Pigs and Cuban Missle Crisis. Maybe they liked Kennedy because he and Jackie were part of the Beautiful People Marilyn Manson warned us about. LBJ rode on the coattails of Kennedy and got us quagmired in Vietnam.
At one time we needed a good hand-out president like FDR. We needed to get out of the Great Depression and hand-outs were a good way to do this. Most of my Democratic friends aren’t necessarily that liberal. They just don’t like the shady dealings of the Republicans. But then again, most all of them lie.
I am convinced that Bill Clinton did more for the Republican cause by having his affair with Monica than anything else. Sure, personal business is none of our business. But when someone looks at the American people and tells a bold face lie which he knew was wrong, that tends to alienate alot of moral people. That was shady, Slick Willie. Shady.
On the other hand some would argue that W. told a bold face lie that there was WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell must have believed it himself when he played CIA tapes for the U.N. I believe that George Bush really believed that there were WMD in Iraq. We all believed it. It was bad intelligence on our part.
I don’t care for the war in Iraq. I wish we could get out of it easily. The Democrats have not offered a viable solution for it. As a friend of mine said “It’s difficult to defeat an incumbent president in wartime.”
Electoral College
Recently Colorado rejected an inituative which would have scrapped the winner take all plan for electoral votes. If it had passed, Colorado’s 9 electoral votes would have been split based on vote percentage of each candidate.
Personally I think this plan would have been a good thing. Take 3 states which are traditionally Democrat. New York (31 electoral votes), Illinois (21), and California (55). If a Democrat wins Los Angeles/San Francisco, Chicago, and NYC, they pretty much have have a lock on 107 votes (potentially almost 40% of the 270 votes needed to win a majority). It would make much more sense to break up the electoral votes on any state which reaches 20 or more electoral votes.
Take California. Bush probably rarely visited California because he could not overcome Kerry’s lead in LA and San Francisco. So the rest of the state didn’t matter. It could potentially help Democrats too. Texas’ 34 electoral votes could be split among a Democrat and a Republican. I realize that Texas went over whelmingly for Bush this time around, but splitting the vote could work very well with a non-Texan Republican.
I’m not so sure this would be put into place easily. I think it is upto each state who they distribute electoral votes. Since I’m pretty sure Illinois and New York’s leglislatures are controlled by Democrats, I doubt they would “fix” something that is in their favor.