Full Camps

They have somewhere around 230 kids at Short Mountain this week. And about 70 counselors/staff. Every bed is full and the facilities are being used to the max. They actually have a waiting list for campers and staff. The unusual situation is that they have other weeks of camp which they only have 75 kids.
When church camps become overloaded and they have to start turning down kids, I see that as a major injustice. If at all possible you shouldn’t turn down kids for camp. Unfortunately the problem stems from trying to be nice to everyone. Kids graduate from high school and want to come back as counselors. No one wants to turn them down if they want to be a counselor. So you become overloaded with counselors who’s beds could be used for campers instead.
Instead you should only pick enough counselors that you need. And pick only enough of the good counselors. We’re talking good Bible school teachers; good encouragers; hard workers. I’m not saying that there are poor Bible school teachers; poor encouragers, and lazy people. It’s just that some are better than others.
Camp is about the kids; not some kind of pseudo reunion for counselors.
Yet, having a full camp is a good problem to have. It means you’re getting the most for your dollars. It also means the staff is doing a good job at retaining campers and/or attracting new ones. I wish we had the same problem at MJ’s camp. We are getting to have full facilities. However not all kids within the camp age bracket are attending camp. If they were, we’d have somewhere closer to 150 rather than the 80 that we have right now. I’m still pushing camp in my Bible class. But some kids seem unenthusiastic about it. I just about have to beg them to come to camp.

Short Mountain Setup

Spent the night at Short Mountain, helping them setup for camp. But there wasn’t that much setup time involved. Mostly it was helping Darrell setup the sound system and sitting in a meeting. During that meeting I did realize that this camp is perhaps one of the more conservative camps around.
Short Mountain has some slight improvements. The boy’s bathhouse has been redone, ever so slightly. Looks much better. However they did put in some kitchen sinks instead of the regular old bathroom sinks. I still can’t understand how all the boys share just 3 bathroom sinks. Could it be that they just don’t wash their hands?
And they spent some money on hunter green paint on the cabins and other buildings. Looks reasonable. The girls’ cabins have log siding placed on them.
Basically the guys’ staff cabin is a college dorm room in a shack. Josh has his computer setup in the staff cabin. Looks kinda out of place in the heap of junk. They use it to watch DVDs on a big screen tv.
Tracy spends an awful amount of time shifting around campers in cabins to make sure everyone is with their friend. She uses the excuse of trying to make everyone happy. I remember when I had the dream of trying to make everyone happy. It just can’t be done. Camp is a time for making new friends. Is it really that difficult to spend 5 days without being in the same cabin with your best friend? My solution is to put all of the same age into the same cabin. Makes it a whole lot easier. Otherwise you have the headache of shifting people around in order to accommodate everyone.
I did come back for church at Mt. Juliet. I would have rather stayed on the mountain and worshiped up there. But there was no guarantee of me getting a ride back to Mt. Juliet. So rather be safe than sorry, I rode back with Darrell and Tracy to MJ. Darrell wanted me to go to church with him, but I figured I’d better go to Mt. Juliet before people get upset at me again.

Holiday World Reloaded

Holiday World with Jason and Zack today. It was sorta a spur of the moment type thing. I wasn’t sure if I was going until Thursday night. Arrived at Zack’s house at 6AM and we were up at the World by 9:45 or so.
The weather was better this time around. Not so cool. Better for the water rides. Sometimes the lines for the water slides were slightly longer than usual. At one time I saw a pregnant lady get on a water slide. Was this dangerous? I don’t know.
I saw a guy with a Chevy tatoo in the wave pool. Someone loves a corporate brand so much, they have it tattooed on their arm. It’s not that unusual. Harley Davidson tattooes show up everywhere.
And the wave pool was an experience. It had been several years since I had gone to Wave Country in Nashville. Holiday World’s wave pool is similar. The problem is that the waves can go over your head in a 5 foot depth. To compensate you have make an effort to jump just as the wave comes your way. This can tend to get very tiring.
For the most part we didn’t wait in the coaster lines for very long. And a few times the water slide lines were
At a Kroger store in Owensboro there is a place announcing “Cooking for Jesus.” I don’t know what it means exactly. I just saw a large barbecue grill near the entrance of Kroger. I picture Jesus in a chef’s hat cooking a loaves and fishes dish which would serve 5,000. (Thanks Zack for the visualization)
And it is good that other people have the same or similar frustrations which I have toward organized religion in general. And some people have trouble fitting in at church. Just like me. My church problems are not unique. Everyone at one time feels this way. Some more than others.
When you do return to church from being at college for an extended period of time, it is not unusual to find that things might have changed. Old friends from high school are no longer attending there. You have to learn to make new friends. Unfortunately churches tend to cater toward married people and youth, and unknowingly they leave others behind. Otherwise if you are single and twentysomething, you have to learn to stay busy at church if just to think to yourself that you are needed. (Even if you truly are needed or not)
I am going to Short Mountain Bible Camp today to help a friend setup for his church camp. I’m planning on coming back sometime Sunday afternoon, then coming back sometime on Wednesday. I’d very much like to stay for Sunday morning worship on the mountain. Partially because I enjoy the informal worship outdoors.

Friday Five: Friends

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?
My cousin Chris and I were first close friends. “Friends” I guess might mean someone who is not family. So you might or might not count cousins as friends. But for the sake of this entry, I’m going to count cousins as friends.
Chris and I grew up in the same neighborhood. I remember cutting through neighbor’s yards to get to get to his house during our elementary years.
When we got into junior high and high school we took our different trails. I took band and he took p.e. We had different sets of friends. Even toward the end of elementary school we were going our different ways.
2. Are you still in touch with this person?
I’m still in contact with him, although not a regular basis. We have our own lives and don’t get together as much.
3. Do you have a current close friend?
I have close friends. I’m not into the childish thing of saying this person is my best friend or something stupid like that. I have friends for different situations. I have church friends; friends from high school; friends from college; friends from church camp. Most of them are mostly on the same level of closeness, although the church friends are slightly closer because I know them on a different level.
One thing I’ve learned recently is that is it important not to get too close to friends. It can hurt when they tend to turn their back on you. This hasn’t happened too often. It is rare. But when someone does let you down…someone who you trusted…it can really be worrisome.
4. How did you become friends with this person?
See above.
5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?
Sure. I can’t think of any right now.
There were several friends from elementary school who decided to go to a different school for junior high or high school. So we lost touch and never got back in touch.

Police Chases

While I was driving home from church last night I noticed TV News vans near the interstate. It was due to this. It is a tragedy. Sometimes I wonder if it is really worth trying to catch these stolen cars, considering the risk.
You see those car chases on TV all the time. “World’s Scariest Police Chases.” Is it that these people pose a risk to those around them? Or do the law enforcement get caught up in the chase and forget the danger posed to themselves?
No doubt the 21 year old driver of this car definitely needed to be apprehended. She posed a danger to herself and those around her. But was it necessary to apprehend her on a busy interstate? Or should she have been apprehended later on when there were less risk to those around her? How erratically was she driving on the interstate? 100MPH? People drive that fast all the time. But was it really erratic?
And now she will probably receive a conviction for manslaughter and be locked up for a long time. 3 sets of lives ruined because of her.
We prayed for the families of the police officers at church last night. I was selfishly relieved that I didn’t know either of them. We have alot of police officers who go to church with us.

Wonder Years Quotes

Since the Family Channel has stopped showing the Wonder Years, I’ve decided to post the WY quotes which I’ve accumulated over the past few months. These excerpts are the Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul type of uplifting quotes. You just can’t get these same type of quotes from any other TV show.
Wonder Years Quotes:

Episode: “Private Butthead”:
�Love is never simple. Not for fathers and sons. We spend our lives full of hope and expectations. And most of the time we are bound to fail. But that afternoon as I watched my father sheltering his son against a future that was so unsure, all I knew was they didn�t want to let each other down anymore.�
Episode: �Hero�
�I guess magic doesn�t last forever not matter how much you wish it would. Destiny can turn on a dime and cut like a knife.�
�Some heroes pass through your life and disappear in a flash. You get over it. But the good ones. The real ones. The ones who count�.stay with you for the long haul. The thing is after all these years I couldn�t tell you the score of the game. What I remember is sitting in that diner, up late being young. Drinking coffee with the only real hero I ever knew. My Dad, Jack Arnold. Number 1.�
Episode: �Carnal Knowledge�
�If there�s one thing every kid needs growing up, it�s a best friend. Someone you trust. Someone who trusts you. Someone you measure yourself against. You go through everything together. Important things. Stupid things. Things that matter. Things that don�t.�
Episode: �Homecoming�
�They say men are children. But sometimes children are men. Maybe that�s where the confusion lies. All I knew was, that night the world seemed suddenly very big. And I felt very small.�
�1972 was a crazy time. Kids played football, drove cars, went to school, celebrated life. While soldiers, heroes, their brothers struggled to find their way home from war. And young boys watched and grew wiser in their dreams.�
Episode: �The Test�
�If there�s one thing every kid learns growing up, it�s that life is a series of risks. It�s a cause and effect relationship. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Still, with the proper guidance we learn to deal with the risks. Pretty soon we set out into the world, sure in our options, confident in our choices.�
�Like some kind of biblical curse, the SATs had descended on our class, reducing even the most intelligent among us to a state of flop sweats.�
Episode: �Math Class�
�There are times in life when you think you�re lost. When every turn you take seems wrong. Then just for a moment, you see a light. And so I began that long climb into the light. Only this time I wasn�t alone.�
Episode: �The Pimple�
�I was 13 years old. Being self conscious was a full time job.�
Episode: �Math Class Squared�
Kevin: So what�s wrong with a �B� ?
Paul: A �B� is like kissing your sister.

El Salvador Pics

I had time to post some of my better El Salvadorian pics on my own website. Mind you, these are some of my favorite pics. Not because they showed whatever we did in El Salvador. But because it shows some of the culture there. I have been told that I have been too negative toward El Salvador on this webpage. I’ve read over my entries and the only thing is that I can say I was real. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I enjoyed El Salvador. There were some good moments. The baptisms. The expressions on the people’s faces when you gave them a toy…or even a smile. I never had a terrible moment when I spoke in my broken Spanish to the people. The people were always friendly.
And I felt like we made a difference. In our own little way. Giving out medical aid to them. All the while preaching the Gospel to them. The last day when we met the congregation in St. Agustine was particularly touching for me. Their earnest faces….sitting in a church building which we had laid the foundation for…both physically and spiritually….years before.
Maybe my motivation for putting up these El Salvadorian pics was due to stumbling across some extraordinary pics on the net.