Mt. Juliet Associate Minister Arrested

Here we go again:
Mt. Juliet Associate Minister Arrested
Not meaning to beat a dead horse. Probably the only reason this is still making news is because they had a minister before this incident to get arrested on weapons charges.
In our society ministers are looked upon as role models. But we also need to remember that they are human and sin just like lay men. I’m not avocating spouse abuse. If he did the crime, he should be punished for it.
The other news is that I am going to see Better Than Ezra at Dancin in the District this Thursday night. So far I have been unable to find a true music fan to join me. If you are reading this and are interested, let me know.

2nd Hand Toaster

We stayed up late that last night at camp. We had 5 baptisms that last night. Probably more than that which I didn’t attend. One particular girl did not want anyone else when she was baptized. She didn’t like crowds. Whatever it takes.
Afterwards Tim gathered together a bunch of food for the guys in the cabin. We pretty much ate and stayed up late…maybe 1AM or 2AM. It’s hard to remember now. Sat around listening to classic rock from Daniel Williams’ CD collection. All of which was first published at least 10 years before he was born. Daniel is a good guitar player. He has a good repertoire…probably every Skynyrd song imaginable.
Tim has a good thing going. He’s gained the respect from the rest of camp. Campers affectionately call him “Toast.” Here’s how to win the hearts and minds of MCC campers: Beat on a toaster. That’s all. And during the most recent performance, the toaster fell over dead. The string holding it around Tim’s neck broke. The 2nd hand used toaster fell over dead after years of abuse. Plastic pieces had broken off from the toaster. Tim was injured ever so slightly on his hands from the performance. Heywood Banks would be proud.
Fireworks at the Sexton’s farm went well. My main concern on the 4th is getting good pictures of fireworks. This has turned into an obsession of mine, yet I’d rather not brave the crowds at Riverfront park. So it’s off to private gatherings with fireworks. I am amazed at the amature fireworks you can buy at those roadside tents these days.
I did have some problems getting the hang of my new camera. But once I found the good options, I was able to get some good shots. The problem is that my new camera sometimes takes a long time to write photos to the card. So basically I have one chance to capture the set of fireworks.

CSI: Christ Saves Individuals

I think we had 15 or so baptisms at camp this past week. It was a very spiritual week. The theme was CSI: Christ Saves Individuals. Jerry Elder did a good job the last night of camp when he conducted a devotional which included a crime scene investigation of the cross.
Still, I’m torn between being genuinely happy for those converted and at the same time wondering if the conversions might have been slightly due to emotionalism. And if it is emotionalism, what happens when the emotionalism disappears after camp is overwith? I trust that whoever provided spiritual counseling to the now newly converted asked the right questions and said the right thing to them. The folks at Maury Christian Camp have been doing camp for a long time and could probably see the poor potential for any decision based soley on emotionalism instead of partially due to thorough study of God’s word and a genuine committment for excellence. Christianity isn’t something that should be based soley on emotionalism, although emotions can be the stepping stone to something greater. Committment to Jesus is forever.
I hope they’ll be at church this Sunday and every Sunday after that. Because church attendance is just as important as those first steps they made toward the baptistry. And if their committment is truely genuine, then there’s nothing to worry about. Sure, there will be road bumps in the way. But if they look toward Him for guidance, they should be just fine.
And I am happy for them. I don’t know them personally, but it didn’t stop me from attending the baptisms with the rest of the camp and taking some superb pictures. I just don’t hug them afterwards. Alkward moments. Ya know?
And it is Independence Day. Our nation declared independence from Great Britian. Similarily this week many young people at MCC declared their independence from sin.
The only downer toward the week was the lack of fireworks. I think there was some safety concerns last year…ie someone almost got burned…so they nixed it this year. I can understand. I was hoping to get some good shots with the digi camera. But that’ll have to wait til tonight.

Maury Christian Camp

Tomorrow is Maury Christian Camp. Actually its been going on since Sunday, but the party won’t start until I actually get there. Sure, they’ve probably had ten funerals for dented ping pong balls already. (Inside jokes, folks)
MCC is steeped in tradition. Year after year they have the reoccuring skits. From getting the kids to do the “stare” while some hard rock music is played….Spiderman’s “Hero” was played last year. Tim McHenry will do his toast song again. It is interesting that Tim has become his own superstar at this particular camp. Since he was camp director, he had to play bad cop at TCC. But now everyone seems to like him.
I expect pre-4th of July fireworks one night. Taking my digital camera just in case. I figure a slow shutter speed plus a tripod equals good pictures of fireworks.
Anyways I’m looking forward to it. The Maury folks have been nothing but nice to me. Very friendly people.

Freedom of Speech

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

So while we celebrate with fireworks and barbeques, I’m sure that there are some of those out there who would rather not have freedom of speech as it stands today. Or to put it another way, they would like to squelch others’ freedom of speech because they don’t agree with them. Lately I’ve become incredibly aware of this injustice.
Yes, there are barriers and limits to freedom of speech. Yelling “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater. Threaten the life the the president. Stuff like that you can’t do.
But we need to be acutely aware that…yes, there are people out there who will disagree with your opinion. Your duty isn’t there to squelch their opinion, but to actually weigh the pros and cons of said opinion. Offer a better opinion….a better solution to a problem. Just don’t silence the messenger. For by silencing the messenger you have become the monster we have fought so hard against…in World War II, any conflict with the Communists, the war on Terrorism. The enemies we fought against during these 3 conflicts had one thing in common: Tyranny that keeps people from speaking against the government or those individuals in power.
New and different opinions are what makes this country the best and brightest nation on earth. Freedom to say whatever you want and not be threatened by it should be the fundamental right of every man.
So fly the flag this 4th. Then be sure to ask yourself if you really support the freedom of speech so fundamental to our society, even when you disagree with the speech presented.
Related story: Bloggers can’t be sued for libel.

Making the change

I’m slightly intrigued that my friend Todd is transfering to Freed-Hardeman. He said UT just wasn’t right for him. I guess it takes alot of courage to up and change schools like that. Personally, I don’t like change. And I wouldn’t change if at all possible. But I guess he figured UT didn’t offer what he needed, so off to FHU he goes.
The waterslide at TCC was shut down by the health department. I have no idea why. Too dangerous? Standing water? No idea whatsoever. We’ve been doing the slide for a few years now and no body ever said anything. So perhaps we’ll be able to have it back up next year. I don’t know.

Pamida Phenomenon

While I was in Scottsville for their VBS, I did manage to stop by the local Pamida. I checked prices and found some good deals and others slightly expensive. For example, volleyballs were on sale for $5, while Hot Wheels cars cost $1.27 (not a bargain considering they’re 97 cents at Walmart).
They do develop film there. For $7.99 you can get 6 inch double reprints….which is slightly expensive compared to about $5.99 at Kmart.
The whole concept of Pamida is fascinating. Building stores in the few places where Walmarts don’t exist. You gotta wonder what their delivery schedule is like. Delivering to out of the way places off the beaten path.
You gotta love the Scottsville folks. Dollar General is inexpensive, but way too limited to find what you’re looking for. Pamida has most of what you’re looking for, but is slightly expensive compared to Wallyworld. So Scottvillites (Scottsvillians?) drive 30 miles out of the way to Bowling Green’s Walmart to save a few dollars on domestic products.
Scottsville’s VBS was based on the Jonah story. 4 straight nights of the fish story. I didn’t know there were so many messages in this story. But apparently there might be. Such as the people’s refusal to repent; Jonah’s frustration and disobedience toward God; Being swallowed by the fish.


So what’s up with Strom Thumond? He died today. Longest serving senator in US history. 8 terms. 47 years in the senate.
One has got to ask South Carolinians why they kept electing a 90 year old sentator. Obviously during his latter years, he was completely out of touch with 20th/21st Century America. Have you been to a nursing home lately and spent some time with 90 year olds? Sure, they have alot of good stories to tell. But can they understand the political concerns of today’s 20something? Why did South Carolinians continue to elect him?
What is funny is a while back when some clever websurfers found the premade obituary of the senator. This is so when he does croak, the webmasters can just push a button, and “poof!” Premade obit with all the facts about the senator you could ask for. It’s creepy that major news sources already have this type of thing for Bob Hope, and any other undead celebrity.
Anyways, here are some headlines submitted by readers to the Fark discussion board:

  • Sen. Strom Thurmond has died. No story yet, CNN prefab obit expected soon.
  • Ding Dong the witch is dead….Strom Thruman kicks the bucket.
  • Strom Thurmond finally kicks the bucket
  • Strom Thurmond dies. Cause of death: being 100 years old.
  • Strom Thurmond dies, no this is not a repeat.
  • RIP Strom Thurmond (1902-2003), CNN scrambles to post premade obituary page.
  • Strom Thurmond alive and doing just fine……sike!
  • Strom “Methuselah” Thurmond is dead at the age of 296
  • Strom Thurmond dead at 100; South Carolina ready to move into the 20th Century.
  • Strom Thurmond dies at age of 100. Will continue being senator for 20 more terms thanks to Disney Animatronics

Fountain Head USA

Stopped by Fountain Head church’s VBS tonight. Alot of the kids pointed out to their parents that the judge was in the house (namely me). I’m the judge of the cleanest cabins and all that at camp. I guess I carry that title with me eternally…or until the next camp.
Anyways the people there were all extremely nice as always. It is truly nice to be able to go elsewhere and find friendly people there.
It was Mission Possible. Guess that must be the theme for VBS’s everywhere these days. I’ll probably head up to Corinth and find it there too. Christianity is the Possible Mission. Grain of a mustard seed and all that. Moving mountains by faith instead of making mountains out of molehills. You can do amazing things with just a little bit of faith. And I need faith these days.
So Mt. Juliet’s VBS has been going on this week. 308 and 304 yesterday and today respectively. I’ll predict we’ll have 400 by the end of the week. Maybe. The next door neighbor’s kid came with us today. I barely know her. She seemed to have a good time. Maybe the seed has been planted for her too. I don’t know.
Our theme is “Egypt” or “Treasures of the Nile” or something. I’ve been fairly clueless or just not listening to the lessons. Treasures of the Nile? Is that the story of Moses? Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? I’m not totally sure. All I know is that I got back from church camp and found a pyramid in front of the church. There are pool toys everywhere in the church building. There must have been a run on the alligator floats at Walmart or something.
What I’ve found is that VBS hasn’t changed much since I was a kid. Except the kids have cokes instead of punch. They’re still giving away 3 cookies only. The 3 cookie limit still stands to this day. I guess with so many kids, you have to limit it or you’d be spending alot on cookies.
Anyways folks. It’s time to sign off….