So its hard to let you know the hopes I have for this camp in one little weblog entry. Without sounding too cheesy. It is just a camp you know. But its so much more. Friendships are built. Sinners are coverted. Faith is strengthened. If I only make a difference in one person’s life this year, it will be at camp. I know that. And even if I don’t make one bit of difference, at least I tried.
More to come later.
Devotional Ideas
I’m trying to come up with devotionals to do in the cabin each night. Nightly cabin devotionals aren’t an absolute requirement. But I do like to do them just to make the kids think.
- Sunday: I’m really just planning on introducing everyone and trying to set some goals for the week. One goal I’d like for them to have is to grow spiritually. The other goal is to get them to make friends with new people. If everyone does this, we’ll accomplish alot of good next week.
- Sharing My El Salvador experiences. It’ll be one of those “You are very blessed compared to other people” type sermons. The only problem is that when I heard these type of sermons when I was a kid, I never believed them. It didn’t fully sink in until China.
- The old race sermon from I Corinthians 9:24-27. I think they’ll be able to relate to this one.
- The old “Let’s work together – One church; many members sermon.” I’ve got a good object lesson to go along with this.
- If I can find some Jungle Juice, I’ll do the “Reach for Something Good” devo.
In addition to this, I am going to pick one kid to lead the prayer each night. I don’t think it is asking too much. These kids are going to be in 8th grade and they should be able to lead public prayers. If they are too embarrassed to do it, then I’m not going to twist their arm.
I’m really looking forward to next week. I hope I’ll be able to help alot of people.
I’m hoping for a good camp next week. And I’m certain it can be accomplished. I’m planning on doing my part. I’m already excited about it. Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish.
- Making sure each child knows that he/she is special. I’m going to try to meet each one of them.
- Better myself. I’ve been going through a rough time as of late. I need to come to a realization that I am a good person. I’m hoping this camp will let me know that I can say that in good conscious. Trying not to let anyone else tell me otherwise. This camp comes at the perfect time for me. It has alot of potential.
- Try to make sure that each and every camper returns next year. This is accomplished by making sure everyone has a good time.
- Grow spiritually. And make sure the campers themselves grow spiritually. I’ve got a few cabin devos planned. Hopefully everyone will listen and take it to heart.
What an awesome week next week will be. No doubt this will be the highlight of my year. I can tell already. To be a part of a group of people who genuninely like you as a person – that’s awesome.
The Credit Card Prank
The Credit Card Prank – How many different ways can you sign your credit card receipts?
I got this forwarded email from a friend. I don’t know if she meant this for someone else or not. All I know is that I haven’t gone through menopause and I don’t plan to in the near or distant future:
We are currently conducting a study with women up to 59 years of age that suffer from a variety of symptoms related to menopause. Specifically we need women who may currently be experiencing symptoms but have never taken a doctor prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). This study consists of a 45-minute interview to be held at our office on Monday, June 9th and Tuesday, June 10th.
If qualified, you will be paid $50 for your participation.
If interested, please call now and mention the HRT STUDY. Contact us at ***-**** or toll free at ***-***-****, ext ***. We will ask a few simple questions and see if you qualify to be part of this study.
AIM’s future decline
The weather forecast on the front page is permanently stuck on a forecast for Spencer, TN. This is because the XML weather generator which I use is broken. It stopped working around the time I was at Fall Creek Falls on Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully it’ll get fixed soon. It seems like it is down more often than it is up. I thought it’d be kinda cool to show weather, but it doesn’t want to cooperate.
Speaking of nerdy stuff like XML, MSN messenger has the most IM users of any free IM service in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. I read that here. I thought that fact was interesting. I never really thought about who uses what messenger in different parts of the world. I guess non Americans nix AIM for obvious reason. In China they use ICQ alot. What I’ve really been noticing lately is the decline of ICQ. Way back in 2000, when I discovered ICQ, many of my friends were using it. Now hardly anyone is online anymore. Except for the occassional 1 or 2 people who I know who still use it. I haven’t added anyone to my contact list in a year.
AIM will see a decline when users finally figure out it is an inferior program. Right now the only thing AIM has going for it now is its vast number of users. Remember Netscape vs. IE? At one point Netscape had the greatest number of users. Then came Internet Explorer on all copies of Windows OS’s and the tide turned. With XP coming with a copy of MSN/Windows Messenger on it, AIM will see a decline soon.
High School Reunion
I’m not going to my high school reunion. $56 for a single ticket is just too much for what its worth right now. I suspect much of that money goes for the bar, the hotel rental, and the food. I’d be just as happy to have it at Langford Farms or a Golf Clubhouse. Bring my own food. I’m not that much interested in dinner and dancing. Most of my friends aren’t going. So it made it easier to make up my mind that I wasn’t going.
The reunion is this Saturday night. Instead of reuniting I’ll be at church camp getting ready.
Kevin let me borrow his old 110 camera. I’m taking it to camp. I can remember in 1991 when everyone’s cheap camera were these 110 cameras. Then came the invention of disposable cameras. Then everyone started carrying those around.
2003 Summer Mix
Ok. I need to burn a CD in order to have some kind of anthem or soundtrack while I travel this summer. Here is what I’ve come up with:
- U2 – “The Fly” – I’ve rediscovered this song. When it first came out in 1992, it hurt my ears. Too harsh. Now it seems so tame compared to the other really hard rock music I’m into.
- Rage Against the Machine – “Calm Like a Bomb” – This was at the end of the Matrix Reloaded. Excellent music.
- U2 – “One” – Possibly the most poignant song ever written. I’ll probably have several different versions of it on this CD.
- MC5 – “The American Ruse” – See entry below
- The White Stripes – “Seven Nation Army” – Possibly the anthem for this summer. The White Stripes rock, ya know.
- Johnny Cash – “Ring of Fire” – Johnny Cash’s music is legendary. Just as relavent today as it was when it first came out.
- Liam Lynch – “United States of Whatever” – I heard this on Letterman the other night. Quirky song.
The CD will probably contain alot of U2 and The White Stripes. Both of which I’m really into right now. I go through phases. Sometimes its the Stripes. Other times its Oasis. Now its U2.
Friday Five: Achievements
Time for a Friday Five. The past few fives have been lame. But this one is a bit better.
1. What do you most want to be remembered for?
Making a difference. My tombstone should read “He made a difference.” No matter how small I want to be a part of something.
2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life?
The truth shall set you free.
3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year?
Making a difference (no matter how small) in a young person’s life. That is what I’ll remember from last year. I’m thinking about a specific occurence, but I *may* have made a difference in other people’s life. At least I hope so. Maybe I’m just fooling myself. I don’t know.
4. What about the past ten years?
Graduating from Lipscomb with a good GPA.
5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say?
Trust in God but lock your car.
The American Ruse
Right now, life is like MC5’s song “The American Ruse.” I think its a song about the war in Vietnam, but it probably could apply to most anything today. Take a read.
They told you in school about freedom
But when you try to be free they never let ya
They said “it’s easy , nothing to it”
And now the army’s out to get ya
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air’s so thick it’s like drowning in molasses
I’m sick and tired of paying these dues
And i’m finally getting hip to the American ruse
I learned to say the pledge of allegiance
Before they beat me bloody down at the station
They haven’t got a word out of me since
I got a billion years probation
Sixty nine America in terminal stasis
The air’s so thick it’s like drowning in molasses
I’m sick and tired of paying these dues
And i’m sick to my guts of the American ruse
Phony stars, oh no! crummy cars, oh no!
Cheap guitars, oh no! Joe’s primitive bar… nah!
Rock’em back, Sonic !
The way they pull you over it’s suspicious
Yeah, for something that just ain’t your fault
If you complain they’re gonna get vicious
Kick in the teeth and charge you with assault
Yeah, but i can see the chickens coming home to roost
Young people everywhere are gonna cook their goose
Lots of kids are working to get rid of these blues
cause everybody’s sick of the American ruse
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !
Well well well , take a look around !