Next Question

“Mr. Bush is the President of the United States of America. Your tone suggests a certain lack of respect for the office, and the man. Why don’t you focus on reporting the news, stop asking loaded questions, and keep your bias to yourself? Next question.”
–Bill Clinton during a press interview following a dialogue with President Vincente Fox of Mexico
Lebanon Democrat, May 12, 2003, Page 4

Disaster Relief Part Deux

Disaster Relief again today. I taped boxes this time. I wasn’t good to begin with, but I got better by the very end. So maybe I’ll be able to do it better next time. Mom went too. She bagged up paper plates. Time seemed to go by faster, since I was busier than before.
I have an opportunity to go on a 18 wheeler truck to Oklahoma on Monday to deliver relief supplies to tornado victims. I may go; I haven’t decided yet. It would be fun, but probably a little boring. Who knows. I’d be helping people, so that’s probably a good thing. And it’d be a interesting way to experience the highways on a 18 wheeler. So maybe I might go. Who knows.

Matthew 18:15-17

“15 If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”

Disaster Relief

I volunteered at the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief project today ( ). Basically my job was to punch the hand holds through the boxes. Does that make sense? On the side of the boxes there are hand holds which help when you carry it.
We boxed 1200 cases of food and supplies for tornado victims in Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma. At that particular time…when I was actually doing the boxing…I didn’t feel as though I was making a difference. However when I went by the office…to read through some of the thank you notes which had been sent, I could tell that we were making a difference in people’s lives. When someone’s house gets hit by a tornado and they have nothing but the clothes on their back…it’s very devestating. Then when they get a box full of food which says “Churches of Christ Disaster Relief” on it, it’s very heartwarming. I’m sure I will never meet any of the families which receive the boxes which I punched hand holds in. But somehow that doesn’t make a difference in my mind. Just the fact that its getting done.
I was probably the youngest person there. The boxing is done mostly by retired people. I guess it gives them something to do. When I retire I might like to help deliver the supplies to victims. Good way to see the country and help people along the way.

The Storm

There was a big storm last night. It hit Lebanon Road in Mt. Juliet pretty hard. Moss’s Florist. Burger King’s sign. The car wash. All damaged due to the storm. People were rubbernecking while driving past the intersection of Nonaville and Lebanon Road. Channel 4 was out there doing interviews. I don’t remember there being any type of severe storm warning issued when the storm came through at 3AM this morning. I remember being awakened by it. But I didn’t think there was much to it after all the lightning ceased.
I took a picture of the Burger King sign. I would have taken pictures of the other stuff, however I don’t think it would have been appropriate since many of the business owners were out cleaning up. It would have just been weird to take pictures.

Commerical Drivers License Class

Most of what I learned before about 18 wheeler trucks were from movies and TV shows. BJ and the Bear. Smokey and the Bandit. I remember that episode of Alice where the brakes went out on the truck and Flo had to handle the truck around those hills. Or was that the Dukes of Hazzard. I don’t know.
Anyways we had that CDL (commerical drivers license) school at Antioch Church of Christ today. Most students were from Mt. Juliet. We are having to get class C drivers licenses if we want to drive the church van. New law comes into effect in 2 years.
The class itself was kinda long, but thorough. I thought they might have us out driving the van around in the church parking lot. Not so. We learned all about air brakes. Emergency brakes. How you can have seats in the aisles of buses as long as your transporting farm workers. I know all about driving 18 wheelers now.
I never knew so much material could be covered. There is apparently alot to driving trucks and buses.
I did notice something sorta strange in the church directory. In the formal picture…some lady was holding a picture of (apparently) her dead husband. He’s with her in spirit…and apparently on photographic paper. Just not in person. Maybe he died just a few weeks before the picture was taken and the lady was still grieving over it. Still, it appeared to me to be over the top…per say.

You wanna hurt me?

“You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I’m an easy target. Yeah, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you…but I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. You can say what you like about me; I’m not changing. Me…I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. ‘Cause with me, I’m the real article. What you see is what you get.”
Del, “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”

Welcome to my world.

My Nielsen TV Experience

From May 1 – 7, my household was selected to be a Nielsen TV family. Initually when I received the phone call on a Sunday afternoon…before I left for El Salvador…I thought “Cool, now’s my chance to get some quality TV on the air.” Yet it wasn’t as it seemed. No Nielsen TV boxes to record what we were watching. Instead they sent me 4 TV diaries….one for each TV in the house. I was supposed to keep up with what TV show I watched. The whole thing was very tedieous. Watching TV is supposed to be relaxing. I’m not supposed to have to write down each TV show I watched…how long I watched it….and what channel it was on. Yet, the Nielsen people wanted me to do just that. After the first day it got old. Hmmmm…how long have I been watching MSNBC? Wait a minute…the TV is on, but no one is watching it. Yep, there was a place in the TV diary for marking just that. Soon after 7 days I didn’t seem to care what the Nielsen people got out of this. The whole thing was just too tedieous to bother with.
And all I wanted to know was why they had to cancel “Freaks and Geeks.” And why crappy shows like “American Idol” continue to receive stellar ratings, even though I don’t watch it at all.
Notice I waited until after the survey was over before mentioning it here. As if the fact that I watch “The Wonder Years,” everyday when they decide to revise programming schedules…or develop new shows.

Retreat Archives

I did bring back some interesting archives from the retreat. Like this leftover photo album. Apparently the pictures are from a Tina Jackson of Whitleyville, TN. I did a reverse lookup via the internet on this individual, but there’s no Tina Jacksons in Whitleyville. Must have gotten married and/or moved away. Anyways I’m poundering what to do with these pictures. I felt sure the name and address I found on one of the pictures was valid. But apparently not. If I could somehow find a reverse lookup on the address….. But alas it’s too much trouble just for these pictures. Perhaps I should scan some and put them up here…in case the owner stumbles upon this website….
The pictures aren’t too old. They’re marked with dates as late as May 2001. I feel pretty sure she is still around.
Then there’s the Bible I found. The Bible of Kevin Williams of Lebanon, TN. Used to go to church with us. I’m pretty sure its his Bible. Must have left it at camp 10 years ago. It’s not unusual. I found Scott Burka’s Bible at the same camp a full 5 years after it was left.
Kevin was an interesting fellow. His first (and apparently only) time at summer camp he brought a TV. Hear that folks: a TV. And the camp rules specifically said “No electronic devices.” This was huge deal back then…for some reason. A TV at camp. Nowdays it’s not unusual for a kid to bring a complete entertainment system to camp. I’m not sure what he thought he was going to pick up. Maybe that ABC station in Bowling Green. Otherwise it was a big huge useless device. Useless until our counselor confiscated it and later used it to watch the camp video on the last night. Goodness. The things kids bring to camp.

Followup on Tommy Franks

A while back I speculated about rumors floating around on the internet regarding Tommy Franks’ supposed membership in the churches of Christ. I got this in my inbox today:

please send this to those on your list so this rumor can be laid to rest
The Christian Chronicle – As the war in Iraq heated up, so did phone lines and computer screens among church members with this claim: Gen. Tommy Franks, Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command, is an elder in a church in Tampa, Fla., or if not there, in Midland, Texas.
Not true, although the claim is based in elements of truth. Franks, an Army General, is based in Tampa, Fla., at MacDill Air Force Base, home of the Central Command. And he grew up in Midland/Odessa, Texas, says his nephew Jason Carley, a member of the Stillwater, Okla., Church of Christ.
Franks is married to Carley�s aunt Cathy, his father�s sister, who met and married Franks in Lawton, Okla., home of Fort Sill. The Carley clan has roots in churches of Christ, Jason Carley said.
As long as Carley can remember, Franks has taken him and other family members along to attend non-denominational services at the Army posts where he has been stationed including Fort Hood, Texas; Fort McPherson, Georgia; and Fort Sill. The last time he attended with him was in 1999. He has never attended a church of Christ with him, Carley said.
Carley attests to Franks� spiritual devotion but says he�s 100 percent sure he�s not an elder in Tampa. The Northwest church in Tampa says the same. With the rumor put to rest, the folks at Northwest say they just hope to get back to business as usual.
Gary Davenport, pulpit minister, West Broward church of Christ
“A place to believe, belong, and become!”
Work: 12550 West Broward Blvd. Plantation, Florida 33325

Remember, just because it appears in your inbox, doesn’t mean it is necessarily true. Please verify rumors before performing a mass forward.