
I probably need to print a retraction on this entry. In it I said this:

Anyways they asked me to do the opening prayer, which I royally messed up (I felt) but the rest of the congregation either wasn’t listening or didn’t care.

That could be misconstrued as a slam against the people at church.
I didn’t mean for it to come across like that. Most people at my church probably do listen to the prayers. My gripe was about my inability to pray, not for the lack of listening. Plus, if you’re like me, your mind usually wanders during prayers anyways. I did receive compliments about my prayer afterwards, which made me think that these people aren’t listening and are just being nice to me.
So if there was any potential church members who are looking over this site, thinking that most people don’t listen to prayers, then they are very much mistaken.
I would like to point out that I wrote this retraction on my own after judging it for myself. Not due to anyone else’s judgements.
I would like to also point out that this is not the official homepage for my church. Opinions expressed here are not those of any official at church. Do not take anything written here as the gospel truth. It could just be me ranting again.
I do like church. I really do. Its just sometimes I get extremely frustrated at it because of imperfections…something that all churches have because they are run by imperfect people.
I’ll have more to write about later on. It’s just getting late and I need to get some sleep.