Rick Warren and Anno Domini

Apparently Rick Warren, author of “A Prupose Driven Life,” doesn’t know when A.D. started:

“But the truth is Easter is the greatest significant event in history. In fact it split history into A.D. and B.C. Even people who don’t believe that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected for our sins use Easter as a reference point every single day of their life. When you write a date…April 3rd…April 4th, 2007, you’re using this. So what’s the focal point? It’s Easter because God came to Earth and split history into A.D. and B.C. It’s the most significant event.”
Rick Warren on “What Would Jesus Really Do?” CNN, April 8th, 2007.

No, Mr. Warren. Anno Domini (A.D.) by definition started when Jesus was born, not on Easter. This is pretty basic stuff for your average Christian scholar. Amazing that Warren doesn’t know otherwise.