Send Him on His Way

I think I figured out that I really prefer David Shannon over our old minister. David is very personable. His sermons have feeling and honesty. For example, our old minister, when focusing on the subject on abortion, would center his sermons around the horrors of abortion without showing much compassion for the hard decisions that some face. By contrast David realized that there are some in the audience who might have had abortions in their past. He didn’t focus on condemning them, but urging them to make things right.
I’ll be one of 3 teachers who will be teaching the 5th and 6th graders at church on Wednesday nights. I am excited about it, but I feel as though it might be overkill having 3 teachers in there. Last year they got by with just 2 teachers. I feel as though I might have strongarmed my way in there by implying that I’d rather teach that age or nothing at all, which isn’t entirely true. I was going to wait and see where I was needed and then consider what was available. I know that it is difficult to find Sunday school teachers and usually try to help out when I can.
Phil loaned me his negatives of pictures from camp. I’m getting 3 copies of all of them. 1 set for myself; 1 set to distribute to friends at church; 1 set for the photo album in the church library. They’re probably many pictures of people who I didn’t know that well at camp. But they still are pictures. Having a digital camera means I don’t fill up my albums as quickly as I did before. Instead my hard drive is filling up.
I’ve got poison ivy from my hiking trip last Saturday. It’s right around my feet where the line of my shoe was. I guess the leaves bled through my socks. I remember walking through some green stuff. The outbreak is only spotty. I’ve been getting by without any medicine.
I’ve discovered the song “Send Me on My Way” by Rusted Root. Great song. One of the few songs makes the pan flute sound great!