Slow School Zones

Just a random thought – Making fun of members of the church of Christ (or any other conservative religious group) is kinda like making fun of the retarted kid in school. Sure, it’s easy to do, but can you really look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about yourself afterwards?
School Zones – With school starting up you’ll undoubtedly notice that there are plenty of school zones around. Speed limit 10 MPH. The problem with these school zones is that many times they span vast amounts of acreage. Many times you’ll never see a kid in sight of these school zones. Rushhour traffic comes to a standstill every morning due to these childless zones. I think school administrators have become overzealous in an effort to protect invisible children. They are impeeding commerce by imposing pointless school zones which protect no one. They should take a common sense approach to school zones. If children are present, then restrict speed. If children are never present, then don’t restrict speeds.
This weekend I finished putting together the MJ Camp slideshow using Kai’s Power Show. Those people who were patient with me and didn’t immediately bug me for picture CDs right after camp will receive this slideshow on any new CD I burn. Otherwise if I burned a CD before this, then they will have to be content with their slideshow-less CD.
“Now the World don’t move to the beat of just one drum…”
Tivo recorded Diff’rent Strokes for me today. One of the episode descriptions says “Arnold devises a scheme to get attention.” Didn’t this happen in every episode? No doubt Gary Coleman was the star of the show. No wonder he stayed so long during the series. For a while it looked as if he was 14 and still playing a kid who was 8.
This kid is really big. Anyone up for a trip to the big and tall store?