Succeeds in Life

Scott’s AIM Away Message reads thusly:

“i’m sleeping UNTIL 2:00 pm for my stupid-long trip today. If you wake me up before then, woe be unto thee.”

So we’re all hoping that he’ll do good when he as a final audition for the Bluecoats this weekend…not because we’re big fans of Drum and Bugle Corp. But because we’re friends with Scott and hope he succeeds in life. You see DCI is kinda like Star Trek in a way. It has its dedicated fans, some more than others. Other non-fans don’t understand it. Don’t care for it. Don’t even watch it. Yet if your friend was trying out for a role on Star Trek, you’d cheer him on too.
I keep on thinking maybe I should encourage Scottsville church to move its website over to a paid hosting setup. Currently a friend is generously allowing them to be hosted on his computer/server for free….however the slowness in the download of the webpage is quite noticeable, even with a cable connection. Shelton, their minister, is kinda good at updating it. I feel that it could look much better with Movable Type on there…which would require a move to a different server. It could be quite sophisticated. They have promoted their website alot…even having the URL on the back of their church van. So maybe I should talk to them. Is money budgeted for that type of expense?
He’s always uploading more pictures to it. I found some really cool photo gallery software – which would probably make it very easy to update. That, along with Movable Type would let me have a hands off position to this site.
I found some discussion board software specifically designed to run on the freebie site, Tripod. So basically anybody can have a free discussion board which would run on a freebie site.