I think it is the Sunkist cola that keeps me up….on nights that I have Papa John’s pizza. I can never sleep after eating pizza for supper. It’s definitely the caffeine in Sunkist. Good thing I’m not Mormon.
On another note, I have heard that a Super Wal-Mart is moving in to a semi abandoned shopping center 10 minutes from my home. While I get excited about the chance to buy my motor oil and milk in the same place, I am a bit weary about the excess traffic that Super Wal-Marts can create. I don’t shop there simply because the crowds are so bad. K-mart is my friend. The massive Wal-Mart is going to take out a movie theater, a craft store, a Taco Bell, a Blockbuster video, Harvest International Church…..and (gasp!) the Papa John’s I get my weekly Pizza from. While picking up my pizza today, I asked the Papa John’s worker about the situation. He said they’d be moving down the street somewhere. Their lease is up in the summer, so I still have a good few months to worry about it. Ever since Little Caesar’s picked up and moved out of Nashville, there hasn’t been a good pizza besides Papa in town. I was burned out by Pizza Hut in college. The other indy setups are not any good. Bellecino’s is good, but a bit spicy.
I’m a bit sad about the movie theater being destroyed due to the Wal-Mart. It was at that movie theater, Hermitage 4, where I saw E.T. and a bunch of other childhood favorites. Mmmmm….”so called” progress.
I purchased a shirt that says “Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.” It was meant as a joke and not really meant to make anyone feel stupid. However I think the quote can pretty much sum up all of life. Stupid people in large groups are what took down the WTC. Stupid people in large groups are what started World War II…..I could go on forever.
Well I must try to get some sleep.