I watched the movie Supersize Me, a documentary which a man decides to eat McDonald’s food exclusively for 30 days. The movie brings up some good points in America.
One issue the movie brought up was how schools are catering to the junk food tendencies of kids. A balanced diet is just not happening in the school cafeteria anymore. Cafeterias are giving students what they want and not necessarily what they need. I’d suggest getting rid of the coke machines all together. Kids get enough cokes at home. And, as the movie pointed out, reducing caffine consumption tends to make for a better learning environment.
By the end of the movie, Morgan experiences bad health and his doctors are begging him to stop doing his experiement. You’d tend to expect this for someone who eats McDonald’s food exclusively. Why is this any surprise to anyone?
I get the feeling that Morgan comes from an environment which detests fast food. His girlfriend in the documentary is a vegan, which in itself is an extreme.
Before seeing the movie, I didn’t eat McDonald’s much at all. After seeing the movie, I choose not to eat McDonald’s unless I’m in a situation where I HAVE to eat it. In that case I’ve eaten there twice since seeing the movie. One was when I was with a church group going skiing. The other time was somewhat as a joke when seeing renting this movie.
I do eat fast food alot. Probably too much. The fast food places which I frequent are Wendy’s and most all the pizza places. Lately I’ve been trying to find a good deli sandwich. And you’d be surprised how many deli shops there are around town. I probably am paying for my fast food passion. I’ve gained an inch on my waist.
We as an American society aren’t going to change our fast food ways too quickly. We’ll constantly be on diets and constantly complaining about our weight.