The day before the 2020 Election I decided to take a break from Facebook and news. Things had become so divisive that my stress level had become overwhelming.
It had gotten bad. Some items of note include:
Missionary preacher acquaintance egging on one of their friends stating Hitler was right and the Jews fabricated the war crimes in WW2.
High school friend subtly advocating violence to solve the race problem in America. She says she’s not advocating for violence, but always advocates for loss of property over loss of life. But she didn’t comment about if her loss of property was up for grabs. Virtue signaling.
Acquaintance from church camp posting about justice for Breonna Taylor ad nasuem for several months, but as soon as football season starts, it changes to all football all the time. Again virtue signaling.
Antivaxer acquaintance from church camp. I really didn’t know that antivaxers existed, much like unicorns and flat earthers I thought they were the stuff of legends. But there it was along with a mask that says “Tyranny.” Those who’ve lived under North Korea or 1950 Communist Eastern Block would laugh as to say that a government mask requirement would be considered tyranny. Antivaxers and antimaskers have it good even with or without the vaccines and masks.
There are many others, too numerous to count. Unfortunately with Social Media you are behind the protected environment of your home computer or cell phone. People type things out that they would not dare to say in a face to face meeting. But here it is in black and white for all the world to see.
And I can tell you since this break I have never become so free. There’s a sense of peace on my mind as I don’t have to worry anymore about what friends and acquaintances are saying about the election and their political viewpoint. I feel as though I am living in a bubble, not knowing the election results; not sure of which candidate won which state, and not particularly caring. The only piece of news that I want to see is when the COVID vaccine is available and when and where I can get it.