I think I’ll always associate this pandemic with Hawaii. My wife and I visited Hawaii right before the pandemic started. And this is the last photo of the day before it was declared a pandemic. Hanalei Bay Report in Princeville. I had walked down to the beach to see the sunset.
Little did I know the change to the world that would happen in the days, weeks and now year since I got back from Hawaii. This change will slowly come to an end as Monday I’m scheduled for my first vaccine. I’m optimistic and apprehensive at the same time. I want it to go smoothly.
I’ve found out alot of thing about myself and humanity during this time. One thing is that Americans are incredibly selfish. They will yell “Freedom!” and state wearing a mask is tyranny.
For me perseverance was the key. Telling myself, and having my wife tell me that there is light at the end of this long tunnel helped. Daily devotionals helped as well. Praying to God each day that this pandemic would end helped. And God does answer prayers, because now and in 5 weeks (2 weeks after my 2nd shot) this era in my life comes to an end.