The Allen Arena

The Lipscomb Men’s team won their first basketball game in the new arena by one point. The new arena is impressive. It’s not like McQuiddy anymore….which reminded me of a hyped up high school gym. I took my digital camera with me and got some shots near the goal (which is where we were sitting the whole time). The only problem is that due to the gym being dark, I had to set my shutter for a long exposure. However the game was so fast paced that many of the pictures came out blurred.
Like I said the Allen Arena is impressive. Shows you what money will buy these days. The athletic department gets a brand new arena while the History department is confined to a leaky dark moldy basement of Burton Bible Building. And Lipscomb wonders why I don’t give any money back to them….hmmmm…… Lipscomb’s priorities are definitely out of order.
I also saw several people at the game that I went to school with. Some of them even work for Lipscomb. This is quite sad that they can’t seem to leave Lipscomb. Come on, people it’s time to move on to the real world.