Is it as bad as everyone is saying? I don’t know. i still have a job, but lately I’ve been finding myself overtly worried about what life might be like without a job.
I worry alot. Probably too much. I wasn’t able to enjoy my Christmas vacation because I became preoccupied with worry.
So now I think that the coming depression isn’t as much of a economic depression, but an emotional one. There is potential to worry yourself into a depression…i.e. you *think* you’re going to have a depression, so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
I can remember studying the hieracrchy of needs in sociology class in high school and college. My basic needs, that is physiological needs are taken care of. Food and shelter? I have it. And yet the safety of having a job seems to me as questionable during this supposed poor economic times.
Love and belonging are other needs which could grow for myself an the rest of America. One study states a quarter of Americans have no close friends. The same study found that the average number of close friends one has dropped from 4 to 2.
My friends have moved away. The ones that are still around are involved in their own activities…marriage, children…etc.. Years ago I can remember being invited to do things with friends and simply not feeling like going out and feeling guilty afterwards. Now I wish I would have spent more time with friends. And I wish I could have generated more close friendships.
Now I’m at a time in my life where I’m not sure where to begin to develop new friendships. And yet I know I’ll need to develop it to develop happiness.