The Disciplinarian

This morning’s dream put me back in my 8th grade geometry class. My teacher, who’s name shall remain nameless here, was a strict disciplinarian, even to the point that some people, like myself was apprehensive about asking a question in class for fear of being reprimanded.
The dream had be back in high school, but driving back to my junior high during math class to take this course. The kids seemed much younger than me, and the concepts we were learning didn’t make sense.
They say dreams about going back to school make one feel that they are being evaluated in real life. I’m unsure of this evaluation, whether it be in the workforce or at my church, or in general.
This disciplinarian, who was my math teacher, makes me wonder if I am not turning into the same person I feared way back then. I find it difficult to impose discipline upon my niece and nephew and to those I teach. Yet I have found that the only way they’re going to take me seriously if I am gruff toward them.