Dinner with Dustin tonight. Dustin is a friend from Lipscomb who moved to Denver a few years ago. I hadn’t seen him since he moved. I’ve talked with him on the phone briefly a few years ago. But that’s been about it. It was great to catch up and see what’s happening.
We both agreed that our Freshmen year at Lipscomb was some good times. Probably the best few months of my life were between January – April 1994. You can say “oh that was a great vacation.” or “that was a great camp.” But rarely do you have a long span of time where seemingly every day is a good day. I have never laughed as much and experienced such hilariousness as then. For the most part I hung out in Dustin’s room….in the basement of High Rise. Dustin’s room was decorated in some kind of 70’s museum. The wall of aluminum cans. Maurice the lamp (named from Steve Miller’s “The Joker”). The light up church signs. The chandelier of ties. It’s all very difficult to explain for those uninformed without getting into inside jokes. Just be aware that the Freshmen year of college could potentially be your best year of your life. The extra freedom of college life coupled with relatively easy classes equals good times.
Just a note. The Hermitage Applebee’s has pictures of Lipscomb’s campus hung in the lobby area. I thought it was weird. Dustin pointed them out to me. I guess the manager may have gone there or something.