Buddy, our mission trip organizer, stopped by last night and gave my dad the scoop on El Salvador. My dad teaches a Bible class on Wednesday nights and was unable to attend the planning classes.
I’m feel a bit more overwhelmed by it. I guess it didn’t dawn on me that I’d have to supply some of my own food during the meals. I guess Vienna sausage is in order. That and Spam maybe. PB&J. Still trying to figure the logostics of transporting a loaf of bread to Latin America without getting it smashed.
Then again usually when it is so hot, I forget about eating anyways. I don’t get hungry when I am sweating. Thirsty, yes. Hunger, no.
I hope I am doing the right thing. I don’t want to get down there and be completely confused and lost. I hate not knowing what is going on. My whole year is planned out already. Not being able to predict what will happen once I get down there is killing me.
Still I don’t want this El Salvador trip to be an annual thing. I already do 2 camps a year and can’t afford another thing to take up vacation time. I feel as though I do camps better than what I could ever do mission trips. So I should do camps given the choice.
I’m supposed to be the photographer for the mission trip. I don’t think this is a difficult, nor necessary job that HAS to be done. I’m not even that good of a photographer. I hope I’ll do ok. Worst case scenerio is my film gets x-rayed at the airport and all my film is lost. Therefore I’m trying to keep some plastic bags around to keep that from happening.
I’m not a preacher. I’m not a song leader. I’m not even a very good Sunday school teacher. In any other situation I would never consider myself a missionary.