Total Gridlock

It’s times like these when I’m glad I’m unemployeed. My parents said they left work in downtown Nashville at 9:30AM. Took them until 4PM to get home.
School buses couldn’t take school children home. So some had to turn around and head back to school. Parents are probably beside themselves. Trying to get to their kid at their school, yet not being able to get to them. Kids are probably taking it in stride. Oxymoron. Being at school, yet being told “Schools are closed.”
By my measurement, we got 7 inches at the house. Biggest snowfall I’ve seen in a while.
Tonight we’ll have to worry about that black ice. Black ice is that unholy scourge brought upon by freezing temperatures and moisture. I’ve never actually seen it, which is why it is so dangerous. I’m expecting at any moment Ron Howells to scream at the camera…with bloodshot eyes saying “FEAR THE BLACK ICE!!!!”
I’m supposed to be leaving to go skiing tomorrow. I think we should still go if Murfreesboro Road and the Interstate is ok. But likely it will be called off. Imagine that. A ski trip called off because of snow.
Dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!