Upgrading Your Slip-n-slide to Bionic Proportions

Wow! Does anyone monitor Channel 4’s discussion boards? Their television discussion board is slightly hilarious. People are saying things like:

“I’ve met Demetria [Kalodimos]. She is the single meanest, least pleasant person I’ve ever met.”
[Demetria Kalodimos] “is a victim to spousal abuse.” (referring to Demetria’s broken arm, actually caused by an auto accident)
“Did I actually see the friday 10pm news with TWO people doing the weather??Bill Hall turns to a female partner to help him with the weather. What is this “Tag-Team” forecast??? WOW!!!!”
“Demetria [Kalodimos] can’t dress. Dan [Miller] has a “hardware store owner” vibe around him. Bill [Hall] is as old as dirt. I don’t even bother thinking about Rudy [Kalis].”
“Pretty soon “Coverage You Can Count On” will be replaced by some other meaningless slogan the station has paid their consultant for.”

(All the above comments represent the views of channel 4 viewers and should not be considered my views). Actually all I watch is channel 5.
And you know the single greatest thing about the snow coverage a couple of Thursdays ago? More special snow reports by Victoria Hansen. I was at home all day that snow day (my blessing for not having a job). Victoria is singly the most beautiful thing on Nashville television, right ahead of the Watson girl.
Meanwhile, Channel 2 WKRN is using the same free message board software I’m using on the church webpage.
So I’m going to Corinth Church of Christ in Portland tomorrow for a camp meeting. I help out with their summer camp. Sorta an inheritance or something. The Mt. Juliet remnant remains.
I’m sure the camp director, Mark Sexton, will have a lot of things to discuss. Mark’s a good guy. Never had a problem with him. He’s been very encouraging to me. Down to earth. Easily approachable. His kids are cool too.
The kids have told me of various improvements they’d like to see at camp. “More games of wink.” You got it. 9 hour wink marathons. “Better, faster, longer slip-n-slide.” Since I’m not in charge of slip-n-slide maintenance, I’m not sure if upgrading the slip-in-slide to bionic proportions, which Steve Austin would be afraid to ride, is even a possiblity. In short we just don’t have the technology. I suppose if we make it too long, some of the kids would slip right off into the woods. And that would be a bad thing. Skinned knees are always a bad thing.