I continue to be amazed each time I find another person who regularly reads this webpage. I never thought I had anything interesting to say. I still don’t. I call this weblog “Incoherent Babblings” for obvious reasons. More likely visitors to this webpage have run out of things to read on the internet, and this site is a mediocre site which occupies their time infrequently.
I am afraid that sometimes I am writing too negatively on this webpage. Writing about things that bother me is much easier than writing about good things. When was the last time some politician spoke how good things are going? It doesn’t happen too often. Criticism is easy to dish out. Writing about good things is difficult much of the time.
I found out something slightly interesting. Out West, “Hardee’s” restaurants are known as “Carl Jr’s.” For some reason Carls sounds much more appetizing. It might be because I’ve already been inside of a Hardee’s so I know what to expect. Carl’s is intriguing and mysterious. I remember when the Hardee’s were all orange and blue. Most of them have changed over to the star.
A friend of mine works at Hardee’s. For him, its just a job. I joke about it with him and try to gleem company secrets from him. Like how the biscuits are made. And how many people actually use the drive thru at 5:30AM in the morning (he says there is always a line that early). But he never really tells me much.
Carl Jr’s have been around out west for years and years, they just recently bought Hardies and are in the process of changing to the Star logo that has also been around for years and years.
Kevin was right, you DON’T have anything better to do. (That means you have lots of time to make my web page look GREAT!!!