What the Democrats are Doing Wrong

The past news coverage has focused not on what George W. Bush is going to do in his next term, but why did Kerry loose? Kerry himself said in a Newsweek interview “I can’t believe I’m loosing to this idiot.”
Are we as a society moving closer to the right? The Republicans have won 6 of the past 9 presidential elections. The last 2 Democrat presidents were Southerners. Running a Southern Democrat presidental candidate is vital to breakup the stranglehold that most Republican candidates will always have on the South. Even then it usually doesn’t make much difference. Case in point: Al Gore (a so-called Southerner) lost his “home” state of Tennessee during the 2000 election. VP candidate John Edwards couldn’t carry his home state of North Carolina this year.
Democrats are becoming known for those far from mainstream issues like gay marriage. Middle America doesn’t care for that. They want lower taxes. They want the government out of their business. The Democrats are going to have to appeal to a larger fan base or just wait for the Republicans to screw up royally (i.e. Watergate). They still salivate when someone mentions Kennedy…the last “good” Democratic president. Even then JFK had his Bay or Pigs and Cuban Missle Crisis. Maybe they liked Kennedy because he and Jackie were part of the Beautiful People Marilyn Manson warned us about. LBJ rode on the coattails of Kennedy and got us quagmired in Vietnam.
At one time we needed a good hand-out president like FDR. We needed to get out of the Great Depression and hand-outs were a good way to do this. Most of my Democratic friends aren’t necessarily that liberal. They just don’t like the shady dealings of the Republicans. But then again, most all of them lie.
I am convinced that Bill Clinton did more for the Republican cause by having his affair with Monica than anything else. Sure, personal business is none of our business. But when someone looks at the American people and tells a bold face lie which he knew was wrong, that tends to alienate alot of moral people. That was shady, Slick Willie. Shady.
On the other hand some would argue that W. told a bold face lie that there was WMD in Iraq. Colin Powell must have believed it himself when he played CIA tapes for the U.N. I believe that George Bush really believed that there were WMD in Iraq. We all believed it. It was bad intelligence on our part.
I don’t care for the war in Iraq. I wish we could get out of it easily. The Democrats have not offered a viable solution for it. As a friend of mine said “It’s difficult to defeat an incumbent president in wartime.”