Why does the Today Show still have Willard Scott on occassionally to wish happy birthday to those centaurians? Willard obviously knows nothing about the weather….never went to meterological school….. As I understand it, Willard started off playing Ronald McDonald. Al Roker doesn’t even have a degree in meterology….instead he got his degree in communications. For once I’d like to see a morning show with a weatherman who actually knows what he is talking about.
What started as a nice wish to one 100 year old lady grew into a lame worn out cliche. It means nothing anymore. EVERYBODY gets their grandparents on the Today show if and when they turn 100. Everyone except my family. We tried to get my great grandmother’s picture into Willard’s grubby little hands when she hit the 3 digits – 100 – way back in 1991. But Willard already receives hundreds of submissions (imagine that, there are 100 people around the USA who turn 100 each day?). So instead we got a nice form letter back from NBC.
New (and old) songs I’ve recently discovered:
Neil Young – “Heart of Gold” – I love this song. The harmonica in it is great. They were playing it on the local classic rock station.
Dropline – “Fly Away from Here (Graduation Day)”
Moby – “Extreme Ways”